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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

got my other crap

Well I had been looking for a new gas can and I saw some used military ones o line for 14 bucks so I bought two of them. ONe is stamped 1944 and I think it is really that old. Both look pretty good on the out side and the older one looks like it needs a cleaning on the inside. The Newer one looks great on the inside and has been lined with some kind of coating. All in all a good deal at around $26 with shipping. Well worth it for two cans.

first little land cruiser adventure

Well took my little one on his first Land C ruiser camping adventure. It was alot of fun.

More stuff and Pictures...

Well I installed the small 4 LED light in the back area. Great Idea that someone else had on mud. I did it a little different and used vellcro to hold the light on there. This way I can move it from one side to the other and I can take it off and use it like a flash light. This thing works great. No more fumbling around in the back !

I also got one of these. It is a Torin 7,000 pound farm jack like a high lift jack. IT was only $35 bucks and this thing is heavy duty. I used it for the first time on a tracker and It was great.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

here is where we are at

I cant seem to get a good picture but here it is for now. with some follow up LED light pictures.

So I mounted the LED light in the back area on velcro so you can move the light around. I love it !! I can place it on any side and adjust it all kinds of way.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Black Stone Labs

Just ordered the blackstone labs oil test kit which is free. The cost to do the test is only $20. That is a steal for someone to let you know how your engine is doing. As soon as I get the test I am going to send in the oil sample and post the results. I am mainly trying to figure out how I am doing on the engine. I dont want to buy some aftermarket stuff if I am going to have to have some major engine work done soon like HG replacement or a valve job. I know I am having some kind of problem because I can hear a noice until the engine warms up. Its like a valve combustion noise. Hopefully everything will check out but if not at least it will point me in the right direction on what to look at fixing first.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

crap more stuff...

Well , I have been uplate and buying stuff for the LC. I just order a highlift , some LED lights for the back lift gate, 2 5gal. jerry cans Used. I just could not help the price. I think the jerry cans might be back ordered because I just read about 5 other threads with people having them on back order until late June. O well I guess I will have to get in line.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

TJM vs ARB bumper

Well after much reading , I am still leaning towards getting a TJM instead of the ARB. Hopefully I will place my order in a day or two. I think the added weight of the ARB is not needed for my application. I really dont do any rock bashing and I think the TJM T-17 will do the job, plus have expantion to a winch. There is a cost savings of at least $200 going to the standard TJM bumper over the ARB. I figure if I ever change my mind there will always be a market for it used.